2. Physical tells that indicate weakness
The pretending-to-plan-to-bet-when-waiting act
Whenever you see players reaching for chips when you’re thinking of betting, you can be sure that they do not have a strong hand. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to fold to your bet but they’re very unlikely to have better than a one pair hand, so you can continue betting and barrel them off in most cases.
Counting chips for betting and then checking
Strong indication of a weak or medium-strength hand. By this action, your opponent tries to appear strong and discourage you from betting while most likely just hoping for a cheap showdown.
This attracts attention and indicates a weak hand. If you notice someone putting chips in the pot by slamming it hard, hear loud announcements of call or bet, see extra arms or shoulders movements, you could be facing a weak hand and an opponent who is just trying to look scary. This also includes shuffling cards or doing anything else that draws the attention you actually wouldn’t want when having a strong hand.
?? The 6 Most Common Poker Tells You Need To Know About
As a general rule of thumb, players are weak when they try to show strength and are strong when showing weakness.
Indicates that the player is relaxed and less likely to bluff. Of course, when someone asks how many chips you have and the player answers, it doesn’t count. But if the player starts talking while you’re thinking without any particular reason, they’re probably trying to convince you that they’re just friendly and you should play with them.
Announcing they don’t have a strong hand
Smiling and laughing is an indication of a weak hand from a player who is waiting to act (not necessarily true for player who is betting themself), but it’s even more likely to be true when a player is joking.
Again, the reasoning is very similar. They would not risk attracting attention and discouraging action with a premium holding, so they’re more likely to be weak when joking or making funny statements.
Indicates a weak hand because they want to appear confident to prevent you from betting. The louder the check is, the more likely the player has a weak holding. The same could be said about verbal announcements of “calling”. When they have poor holding, they’ll do everything to indicate strength, which is very unlikely action with a really strong hand, because they would not want to discourage the action.
Everything can be logically explained, so always try to remember this and make better decisions.
Generally, acting strong = weak hand, acting weak = strong hand.
Tells are more useful when playing against recreational players.
Some players try to give false tells, so be aware of this possibility.
Use everything as an additional source of information, don’t blindly follow one thing.
Bet sizing and timing tells can be used both live and online.
GamblingPutting an opponent on a range is by far the most reliable way to predict their possible holdings.
Unfortunately, planning a casino-themed party is nowhere near as fun as attending one. In fact, it can quickly become a chore.
To help you out, we’ve put together this step-by-step guide that tells you everything you need about throwing casino parties, from guidance on the law to what games you should play.
Take the guesswork out of party planning and read on to make sure that your party is perfect in every way.
It’s important to state at this point that holding a commercial casino night without a license is very, very illegal almost everywhere in the world.
It could land you with hefty fines and even prison. So please don’t do that.
Remember, in the US gambling laws differ widely from state to state, so it’s important to check that whatever you’re planning complies with federal, state, and local laws.
Remember, in the US gambling laws differ widely from state to state, so it’s important to check that whatever you’re planning complies with federal, state, and local laws.
But rest assured, you only need a permit if you’re running a casino business and profiting from real money wagers. Holding a casino party for fun at home is completely legal.
Often the best way to stay on the right side of the law is to play it safe by providing your guests with play chips (instead of cash) and awarding a prize for whoever finishes the night with the biggest heap.
Hosting a casino-themed fundraising party is slightly more complicated with every state having its own unique laws. So, be sure to check out our other guide if you’re looking to raise money for charity.
Also, don’t forget that for both parties and fundraisers you need to be sure that alcohol doesn’t fall into underage hands.
If minors are going to be attending be sure to have a system in place to check IDs.
The great thing about throwing a casino-themed party is that it doesn’t have to break the bank.
Card games are the easiest and cheapest games to organize; all you need is a few decks of cards and some tokens to act as chips.
However, if you have a bigger budget you can set about building the party of your dreams.
This can include hiring out a location, renting proper casino games such as roulette wheels and slots, or even bringing in professional dealers and live music!